Saturday, October 13, 2012

Easy Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent

6 cups (there is acutually a little more but I am rounding to what I will use) in the soda $3.25 a box rounded to $.55 a batch
9 cups in the borax (Once again a little more then that) $3.40 a box rounded to $.40 cents a batch

$.50 cent for a bar of soap ( I usually can pick up a double pack of bar soap for $1)

So that is about $1.45 for 2 gallons of laundry soap. Using ½ cup per load. So that is a little over $.02 a load.... It took me about 30 min including clean up.....  

1 bar of soap (I would have used Ivory since that is what I use for stain removal but I had a bunch of hotel soaps that I used in place of a large bar)
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of washing soda
a big pot ( that holds more than 2 gallons – I picked mine up this morning at a yard sale for $3 NEVER use it for anything other then the laundry soap!)
a grater
a funnel
a long spoon (you want to keep this ONLY for soap in the future)
2 empty gallon Milk jugs

Grate your bar of soap, fill up a milk jug full to the top of warm water and dump in with the soap. Bring this to a boil. Make sure the bar of soap is dissolved then add the cup of Borax and the cup of Washing Soda. Turn down the heat and mix it all together until its all dissolved. This will coagulate (thicken) when it does that turn off the heat and add in a 2nd gallon of water, make sure its cool this time. Stir it together. This should be cool enough to funnel into to jugs! 

My jugs are lacking a little product... I had a tragic pouring accident.  

Walla! It was that easy!! 

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