Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zucchini coming out of my ears - Relish

If you are like me and have ZUCCHINI coming out your ears!! This is a tasty way to utilize some of them. I make this in the fall and give it away for Christmas!  

Zucchini-relish > has a fresh bread and butter pickle flavor

this makes about 8-9 16 oz jars of relish

Soak over night:

10 cups zucchini
3 cups onion
4 large bell peppers (I always make sure one is a red pepper to give the relish a confetti look, also I usually use about ½ bell peppers and then a bunch of spicy peppers from the garden that would add up to about the amount the bell peppers would. It gives the relish a little zip)
5 tablespoons salt

Shred the zucchini, onions and dice the bell peppers. Mix in the salt and place in a large plastic or glass bowl over night.

After the zucchini mix sits over night rinse thoroughly in a large strainer and drain well. I push on the mix while its in the strainer to get all the moisture out that I can.
Put the zucchini mix in a large pot (non aluminum) and add the following ingredients:

3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon turmeric
3 cups vinegar (made sure its at least 5% acidity)
1 teaspoon dry mustard (you can substitute plain old Frenches mustard if needed)
1 teaspoon coarse black pepper
1 ½ teaspoon celery seed

Mix and boil for 30 minutes

Ladle into sterilized jars making sure to leave 1/2” head-space. Wipe mouths clean before placing lids on. Lower into water bath and process in water bath for 10 min. Remove jars from water bath and allow to cool undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours. Making sure all jars seal (do NOT press on lids to seal yourself!)

This will last till the next growing season! But it NEVER lasts long in our house!!

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